Thank you Dad – The world is a better place with you having touched it.

Published by mzconsultng on

On February 22, 2011, my dad, the Big Bear – Bernie Caplan peacefully passed away.

It is with great sadness that I write today.  I have lost the man who taught me how to be me; how to live with the utmost integrity, to love my family with all my heart and follow my dreams with passion.

Bernie "Big Bear" Caplan (1935 - 2011)

My dad was a humble man, who believed in hard work and doing everything he can to support his family.  He was a proud father and even prouder grandfather.  Sitting with him last week when he could no longer speak it was the sight of his granddaughters that brought a huge smile to his face.  He taught us all to love your family and support them always allowing them to find their own way – and their own dreams for the future.    His heart was as big as a heart could be.  And what he wanted in return was for us to pay it forward; i.e. treat our families the way he treated us.  He loved family most of all; and he treated everyone he met as family!

I talked to him frequently.  He was a great source of advice on all topics, and his unwavering support gave me the self confidence to persevere.  I never understood my friends who did not get along with their parents.  Over the years, my dad allowed me to grow and have my own independent thoughts and opinions.  Although we disagreed on many things, some of them of great substance, I don’t ever remember either of us being angry with the other.  When necessary we would respect each other’s opinion and just agree to disagree.

His positive outlook was contagious.  Even though he had many challenges in life, he never complained, worked hard and woke up smiling each and every day.  He personifies the fact that happiness is a choice and he chose to be happy in life.

I know this blog is my place to write about my thoughts on the nuclear industry – but today I write not for the benefit of the reader, but for my benefit.  I write because I can no longer pick up the phone to seek advice or just say hi to my most trusted advisor, to the man whose voice always brings a smile to my face and whose love and support is absolute.  Dad, I love you and will miss you dearly.  But one thing is for sure.  You will never be forgotten.

Categories: General

1 Comment

Barbara Raider · February 24, 2011 at 7:51 pm

Dear Milt,
What a wonderful tribute. Beautifully written.
Barbara & Mart

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